Friday, January 31, 2014

What if...

I quit my job.
I never joined the Army.
I was an only child.
I never had a dog.
I had different parents
I had no morales
I had no work ethic
I was lazy
I was emotional
I was short
I spent money on things other than my truck
I still lived at home
I never went to college
I never graduated highschool
I cared more about what others thought than I did
My grandmothers were still alive

Free Write

What if I had never joined the Army. There's probably many things I believe now, that I never would have had I not joined the Army. First, I'd probably still be the trouble-maker I was all through school growing up. If there was a definition iof class clown, I was it. I'd do anything to get attention, to make people laugh, and the consequences didn't bother me one bit. There were countless suspensions, detentions, fights and a couple small run ins with the police. Joining the army was something I decided to do simply because I was tired of always being in trouble, upsetting my mom, and really not letting myself go anywhere. If i had never joined the army, I wouldn't be nearly as mature, quiet, or aware as I am now. I think about things before I do them, I watch what's going on around me and I see, and learn, more about the people around me on a daily basis. I would have never went overseas had I not joined the Army, nor jumped out of an airplane like I did at Airborne school. I guess overall, I would have never known what I was fully capable of because I would have never pushed myself, or been pushed to my breaking point like I was. I learned so much about myself, that it really made me a better, more respectable person. Also, since my schooling is paid for, I get alot of help on life after the military by getting an education that I can apply to something, and come out of school without any debt. What if i would have never joined the Army? Well, my life wouldn't be nearly as good as it is now, and I would have regretted it.

What if I had a baby? First, it would be extremely hard for me to physically have a baby being I am a guy, so I'll go about this and say what if my GIRLFRIEND had my baby. If I was a father, at my age, it wouldn't be impossible. There are alot of young parents out there who do wonderful jobs of raising a child, but they lose part of their lives in order to do this. I wouldn't want to lose being a 20 year old guy. I like going to school, and that would be very hard with a child to provide for. I would definitely have to work more than the 30 hours a week I work now, or cut down on my spending. I suppose I would marry my girlfriend because I think that is the right thing to do, abd I wouldn';t want my child to grow up in a split parent household like I did. I would probably lose friends, solely because I wouldn't have time to do anything with them. I would have to make alot of sacrifices that honestly, at the age of 20, I'm not sure I would want to do that. I like woring on my truck and my mustang. I like being able to buy the things I want to buy when I want to buy them. I would definitely do the best I could to give my child all they needed, but I know it would be a huge struggle.

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